Monday, August 6, 2012

Woman shocks doctors by using superfoods like turmeric to treat cancer - and lives!

By Willow Tohi
Maybe you've seen those commercials where a doctor is working on a construction crew, then it shows the construction worker in the pharmacy looking for the right medicine, telling you not to do your doctor's job because you wouldn't want him doing yours. It's quite a ridiculous analogy really, insinuating that there's a similarity in a doctor running a jack hammer, and you taking care of your own body, like that's someone else's job. No one else can maintain your body or has to live with the consequences of how you do so, but you. Duh.
In a similar tone, there was recently a story out of England about a woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer, had the traditional treatments, but then declined the follow-up pharmaceuticals in favor of managing her health with nutrition. There seems to be genuine surprise at her success. Which is.... surprising. What's the big shocker? There are numerous books, stories and websites out there documenting the success of "alternative" treatments to cancer. Before the age of Big Pharma, "alternative" treatments such as through diet, exercise, and supplementation, were the cancer treatments, and there was less cancer then too. Read more…

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